“The place of God’s power is an empty space, and in his story of absence and longing, we learn that most of life is lived on this threshold between emptiness and meeting, between fear and hope, between darkness and noon, between Golgotha and Galilee. We learn that it is not knowledge that counts, but faith.” †
(1) The Brilliant Darkness of a Friday Afternoon (Imaginative Conservative)
(1a) Blessed Easter! (Sisters of Carmel)
“We pray it may soothe the sorrows that burden your lives and rekindle in your hearts the hope of His glorious victory, a defeat only in appearance. Suffering and death belong to this transitory world. On this day, Our Lord transformed them into the gateway to life everlasting.”
(2) Jane Austen and the Tudor Terror (Imaginative Conservative)
(2a) Where is Mary Queen of Scots buried? (History Scotland)
(2b) Jane Austen in Southampton (Jane Austen’s World)