(1) Sturmey Archer “The Planetary Gearset” (YouTube)
(2) Speed Traps For Japan’s Escalators (WSJ – Registration Required)
(3) Shakespeare as a Life Coach (WSJ)
“The world is grown so bad that wrens make pray where eagles dare not perch.” – William Shakespeare, Richard III
(4) ‘A Spy Among Friends’ (WSJ – Registration Required)
(5) A Ferris Wheel Family Rides Coney Island’s Renewal (WSJ – Registration Required)
(6) In Praise of the Mundane Marigold (WSJ)
“The key to using annuals creatively, said Mr. Stufano—respected for transforming Wave Hill Garden, in the Bronx, from a sad mess into an arresting jewel—is to forget fads. Train yourself to just look at the plant’s essential qualities, its texture, form, height and color, without letting the chicness factor (or the taint of that gas-station island) seep into your brain. He often used ordinary plants like marigolds and thistles in unusual ways at Wave Hill.”
(7) Francis Ford Coppola Talks Travel (WSJ)