(1) This App Will Help You Find A Quiet Space In The Loud, Bustling City
(1a) Metro-North Commuters Slog to Work: After Power Outage, It Could Be Days Before Normalcy Returns to New Haven Line (WSJ)
On the plus side, diesel locos from Stamford!
(2) A quote from The Blue Riband (The Piccadilly Line) by Peter York
“Everyone, I learnt, was fascinated by the Tube, and everyone knew more than me. There’s something for every kind of nerd and wonk. And fogeys (fogeys particularly like the Tube’s inter-war Modernist architecture).”
“Medieval Modernists were an important group of influential British arts patrons, curators, collector and administrators operating in the first half of the twentieth century. They were typically born in the late nineteenth century, outsiders, often Northern and Non-conformist, brought up on Ruskin and Morris (the ‘medieval’ grounding). They then developed into proselytizers for a particularly English kind of Modernism in the early twentieth century. A toned-down, commercially practical, socially useful, improving kind.”
(2a) Charles Holden’s Southgate Tube Station
(3) Lindsey Adelman :: BB.14.05
(4) In honor of National Coffee Day (September 29) some stop-motion coffee animation by Rachel Ryle
(5) 150 great things about the Underground: the stained glass at Uxbridge.
(5a) One last quote from The Blue Riband (The Piccadilly Line) by Peter York
“Uxbridge, at the Western end of the line, is another Charles Holden station that doesn’t look much from the street. But inside — and I’ve got the photographs to prove it — the long hall and concourse, the unlikely set-back, stained-glass windows, the late thirties arcade of shops and the elegant ranks of raw concrete pillars supporting the platform roof could be in Germany or Sweden. It’s that good.”
(6) 50 Creative Ideas To Make Better Cities, Presented On Gorgeously Designed Posters