The s(pace) between football matches: post sabbatical ruminations
This rootedness of reality in the concrete presence of the past is one of the things which makes history so important. We need to know where we’ve been in order Continue Reading →
This rootedness of reality in the concrete presence of the past is one of the things which makes history so important. We need to know where we’ve been in order Continue Reading →
A rainy summer Sunday in New England is a nice break from the heat and humidity. I’m playing catch-up this weekend (see below) so few updates. Watched Suzume on the Continue Reading →
“Limestone Roof is like the Arts & Culture section of the Wall Street Journal.” — Lionel Trilling Football, Bermuda, Naruto, Playmobil, and the British. It’s amazing HOW all my favorites Continue Reading →
(1) “Age of Revolutions”: An Exercise in Reading History Backward (Imaginative Conversative) Perhaps one of the best merits of the book is that it admits that liberalism is in grave Continue Reading →
If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not Continue Reading →
“In God is my hope. R.B. 1605” (1) One more last quote from Steeple Chasing by Peter Ross: “There is a long tradition of giving names to bells, as if they were Continue Reading →
“Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will preserve it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, Continue Reading →
I’m reading Steeple Chasing by Peter Ross and it’s a bad book. It’s an epitaph to Christianity in the UK. Ross is the new species of man described by C.S. Continue Reading →
Quotes from Steeple Chasing: Around Britian by Church by Peter Ross: Most cathedrals have been built and rebuilt over centuries. From the moment a new stone is set in place Continue Reading →
Artists specialize in designs. God is the greatest artist of all. This is evident in nature, but also in the designs that He has for His creatures. He has a Continue Reading →