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(1b) Some Interesting Disney-Related World’s Fair Trivia:
(a) Salvador Dali had a pavilion in the Amusements Area of the Fair and was later hired by Walt Disney
(b) Walt’s WED Enterprises designed 4 attractions for the 1964/65 World’s Fair
(c) His dad attended and told Walt about the 1892 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago
(d) Walt also travelled by rail to the 1948 Chicago Railroad Fair, held at Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry, with his colleague Ward Kimball.
(1c) A quote from Whatever Happened to the World of Tomorrow by Brian Fies:
“Walt Disney died on December 15, 1966, maybe the last person in America with the resources to build a futuristic utopia who actually believed it could work. His EPCOT dream quietly expired soon after, and its name was given to a theme park.”