Yep. Bought a hybrid. I drove to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (PA) to pick-up my storm silver sport-hybrid Honda CR-Z. I ordered one 3+ months ago after reading this review in the Wall Street Journal and researching independently. This car has some bite and the trip from Harrisburg (I live in New England) gave me an opportunity to the put the car through its paces. The car has three modes (Sport, Normal and Eco) but I’ve been content leaving it in sport mode and banging on the six-speed manual transmission. I’ll post pictures of my **HAWT** little roadster in a bit.
Limestone Editorial
It’s grand when free markets are left unfettered to orchestrate this type of magic (wink, wink). It’s also time for those of us who are right-of-center to pull a Teddy Roosevelt* and re-embrace conservation (a conservative principle hijacked by the left).
*He is one of Ten Exemplary Conservatives named by Russell Kirk.